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Acne Scars

Whether you are a teenager, an adult or an oldie, acne scars are a problem prevalent in all age groups. Breakouts on the face for reasons such as puberty, bad diet, oily skin and the likes can be really frustrating. No one likes a face full of acne and pimples but what is even worse is the scarring it causes after healing.

What causes them?

Acne consist of large pus-filled spaces which are known as acne cysts. These cysts often destroy the skin tissue which is not repaired during the healing process of acne, itself. Once the area consisting of acne heals, it usually leaves a scar in that place which can either be lumpy (usually found in the back or chest, known as hypertrophic scarring) or non-lumpy but visible.

Such scars appear as damage on the skin and can be of various shapes and sizes. Scars can also be same as the skin colour or red, black or sometimes brown in colour.

Types of acne scars

1.       Atrophic or Depressed Scars

The most common type of scars on face. They are formed due to lack of collagen formation on the skin while the skin is healing from acne. These are further categorized into-

·         Boxcar           

Usually visible as U-shape scars, they tend to have sharp edges. Such scars can react better to skin treatments if they are shallow in nature.

·         Ice Pick

Narrow, V-shaped scars that go deep into the skin. They usually appear as round or oval holes like a chickenpox scar. These are considered to be the most difficult to treat because they tend to form inside the surface of the skin.

2.      Hypertrophic or Raised scars

This kind of scars are more prone to appear on chest or back after healing of acne. They are caused when the skin makes too many fibroblasts which causes raised scars.

3.      Keloid Scars

Much thicker than the original acne spot, these are nearly similar to hypertrophic scars. Such scars tend to be darker than the original skin and can cause side effects like itchiness or pain.

Treating acne scars

1.      What will your treatment depend upon?

There are a number of treatments available for curing acne scar treatment in delhi but to decide which one would be the best for you depends upon many factors such as-

·         Your skin type- This can be classified based upon the pigmentation of your skin.

·         Type of scar

·         Time required- the time it will take to heal the skin after the medical procedure

·         Cost of the treatment


2.     Types of medical treatments

Various types of medical treatments include-

·         Soft tissue fillers- This procedure involves injecting collagen under the skin into the indecent scars. This helps in making your scars less noticeable; however, it is a temporary solution. They are best for atrophic or rolling scars.

·         Laser Treatments- There are two types of laser treatments i.e. ablative and non-ablative. The former helps to remove thin layers of skin whereas the latter helps stimulate the collagen growth and furthermore, tighten underlying skin. Non-ablative laser resurfacing is considered less invasive and usually requires less recovery time, however, it is less effective than ablative laser for deeper scars.

·         Dermabrasion- This procedure is best suited for more severe type of scarring. In this procedure, the top layer of skin is removed with the help of a rapidly rotating wire brush. It helps in removing surface scars completely in most cases.

·         Needling or rolling- It is considered to be a simple, effective and safe procedure for treating acne scars. It involves rolling a needle studded device over your skin to stimulate the underlying tissue. However, it may require repeated treatments.

·         Surgery- It involves Punch Excision which is a procedure in which the doctor cuts out all the acne scars separately and then repairs the wound using stitches or skin grafting.

·         Salicylic Acid- Found in almost all kinds of acne scar medications these days, it helps in clearing out the pores, reducing redness and exfoliates the skin. It may take up a few weeks to show the results but it is considered to be effective by many dermatologists.

There are many other medical treatments available, however, it is always best to talk to your doctor and determine the pros and cons before choosing a procedure. Dr. Jyoti Sharma is an expert in determining the best skin specialist in delhi related problems and therefore always believes in giving right advice to her patients.

In conclusion,

Acne scars can be unwanted and lead to frustration, but they are usually easily treatable with a number of procedures. Each person encounters a different kind of skin scarring and therefore you should always contact your doctor and act as per the prescription. While many people succeed in getting rid of such scars using home remedies, others require professional help. Choose wisely.


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